Preventing a misshapen head in babies
We offer a lot of advice to parents about repositioning their baby in order to combat a flattening head shape.
Approximately 70% of head shape assessments don’t require anything more than positioning advice for parents and baby.
Although we make lots of helmets, we are just as happy educating parents on prevention strategies. Our goal is the best posssible result with the least intervention.
- Babies should always be placed on their backs to sleep.
- It is important to vary the position of your baby's head by alternating its position between the left and right side each time they sleep.
- Place your baby at alternate ends of the cot to sleep, or change the position of the cot in the room.
Awake time
- Place your baby on their tummy or side to play when awake.
- Parents and caregivers should get down on the floor either in front or beside the baby to provide comfort and interaction.
If you are concerned about your baby's head shape, a Head Shape Assessment will allow you to make an informed decision and give you peace of mind.